The Elusive Introduction

I'll start off with the ever-official and formal "Thank you." You're here and that's kind of a big deal to me. I've dealt with four years of FEAR around starting this exact blog, and over the past 6-ish months, I've also figured out WHY I've paralyzed myself into starting, stopping, and quitting before ever writing this very first post.

Have you ever wanted to do something so badly, from the depths of your heart, and you're incredibly passionate about it... but those are EXACTLY the reasons you DON'T do the thing? Sounds absolutely ridiculous. I know. Here's the thing, though. When you love something that big, everyone else's opinion starts to matter a little bit too much. And everyone else's opinions start to get louder and bigger than your own vision and hope and dream.

Well, I finally decided to turn off the voices. Because, honestly, you guys... your opinion simply isn't any of my business (thank you, Rachel Hollis, for reminding me that I get to chase my dreams, regardless of what anyone else might think about them). Many of you may not know that I actually started blogging about 10 years ago, shortly after my first daughter was born. I'd always loved journaling, but needed some sort of an outlet to help me get out of a level of postpartum depression that I don't even think I knew I was experiencing at the time. If you're up for a giggle, you can check out that ol' thing, here. It went through several transformations, but, do yourself a favor and go WAY BACK. My style was... creative.

Here, you're going to find less of a theme and more of a life. I'm going to share the things I'm passionate about, but mostly, I'm hoping to build community WITH and add value TO you. I'm excited and hope you'll come along for the ride, friends.


  1. Love you, girl!! Cannot wait to follow along here 💓

    1. Thanks so much! LOVE writing and need to make a schedule so I am intentional with it!

  2. Replies
    1. YAY, I'm so glad! Thanks for being such an encourager!


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