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Excuses are Big, Fat Lies

Yep, I said it. And, when you make them, you're letting lies control your decisions. Think about this, for instance: I tell you that, if you run 5 miles, I will give you a million dollars. And, then, you run the five miles and I have no money to give you. So, basically, you just got sweaty and may have had a near death experience (Oh, not you? Well, if I run five miles, have an ambulance on standby. Just sayin'.), but there's no payout. And you let MY LIE sway your decision about whether or not to hit the pavement. Get me? So, this might be more tangible: I get up at 5:30 a.m. and tell myself I'm "too tired" or "too sore" or have "more important things to do" and I choose not to work out. Too tired: EXCUSE Too sore: EXCUSE More important things to do: EXCUSE Decision: No workout Another one you may be able to relate to: I'm going out to dinner with friends. The menu is "too tempting" or it's "too hard to eat he

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